Welcome Cobb Collaborative Fund!

Every community has a wide range of needs, and Cobb County is no exception. Improving the lives of everyone in a community is a daunting and complex challenge. But Cobb Collaborative is championing a way for all of us to work together towards collectively improving our county. With values like partnership, resource sharing, diversity, and collective impact, their mission is to engage, educate and empower the community to improve the well-being of children and families.

The Cobb Collaborative team partners with a range of organizations and causes around three key areas to make the largest impact on the Cobb community:  mental health, literacy, and civic engagement.

Concerns about mental health are at an all-time high and the programs being supported through Cobb Collaborative have bold objectives. Through their Mind Your Mind mental health initiative, they pursue destigmatizing mental health and improving outcomes in the areas of suicide prevention, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and mental health resources.

Literacy directly influences the opportunities and successes of children’s lives. The Cobb Collaborative is engaging all stakeholders in a community-wide reading initiative that unites families, educators and community partners to improve literacy in children.

Civic engagement helps equip residents to get involved with local and state institutions to build trust and connection. Some measures of civic engagement are political, some are social, and some are individual, but each reflects something important about a community’s civic health.

Supporting the valuable work being done by the Cobb Collaborative is easy when you visit their giving page here.