Welcome Adult Disability Medical Healthcare to our CCF Fund Family

Where do developmentally disabled patients go for healthcare when they grow into their teens and adulthood, and have aged out of the various support programs for which they once qualified? Finding a medical practice that is a good fit can be challenging for any of us. Imagine the added degree of difficulty experienced by adults living with developmental disabilities, possibly without family, often unemployed and/or without insurance coverage. As a result, these individuals experience significant health and healthcare disparities. These are just some of the reasons this population needs care that goes beyond traditional offerings.

This is where Janice Nodvin comes in. Janice is the proud mother of 4 grown children. When her youngest son, Evan, was born with Down syndrome, her awareness of the difficulties were immediately evident. She was advised that an institutional placement for Evan was likely the best option. When the time came for the family’s ritual bris, she was advised against a celebration as circumstances appeared more somber. The lack of inclusion was a theme that persisted throughout his childhood. But Evan deserved better, and Janice was just getting started going against conventional advice, and blazing new trails. They participated in programs when available, and helped develop them when they were not. She was never afraid to say “Why not?” when the programs weren’t there. And when she began to notice the serious gap in healthcare moving from pediatric to adult care, she did something about it. Today Evan is 42, lives in an apartment with a roommate, holds a job, and is his own health advocate. That did not happen by chance.

A medical professional herself, Janice used her laser focus on a quality lifestyle for Evan, and his peers with a range of disabilities, to collaborate with her medical network on an idea for specialized healthcare. Through the efforts of some amazing physicians, a board of directors and some great partnerships, the Adult Disability Medical Healthcare (ADMH) practice was created. The team there works to support and conduct comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate patient care to adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities. ADMH is one of only a few clinics nationwide offering care for individuals with developmental disabilities in a community-based setting and offering both primary and specialty care. Their efforts empower individuals and their families to become advocates for their own health and wellness needs. They also offer leadership, training and support to other medical providers and primary care health providers in the field of adult developmental disability issues.

They have worked hard to find and obtain grant funding to assist in continuing their important mission. Their board determined a fund created through Cobb Community Foundation would enable them to safely grow their resources. They shared they had done some extensive research on financial management, and that their grant writer ultimately connected them with CCF. Janice shared, “We know our assets are safe and the hope is that they will grow for future use.”

You can help support the mission of the Adult Disability Medical Healthcare Fund by making a donation here.