Connecting to Causes that Matter: Grant Awarded to Support Cobb Schools Social Workers

Cobb Community Foundation, in partnership with the Jesse Parker Williams Foundation, Inc. and the Zeist Foundation, is proud to support the incredible work of Cobb Schools social workers, by awarding a generous grant to the Cobb Schools Foundation.

The grant provides funding for social workers to extend their ability to serve students through the summer.

“This funding is allowing our social workers to provide a full set of services that removes barriers that often cloud a student’s hope for learning,” said Felicia Wagner, Executive Director of the Cobb Schools Foundation. “It’s one thing to have a social worker quarterbacking for you, but it’s a new and refreshing experience for students when they can interact with people in the community who genuinely care about them,” she continued.

The community effort not only provided the financial means for social workers to serve students during the summer, it also resulted in the establishment of a book club for the middle schoolers. The book, “Ghost Boys,” written by Jewell Parker Rhodes, was the title of choice, and it provides students and their families with a poignant story of the complexities of what is happening in communities across the country. The students that participated in the book club also engaged in discussion through Zoom with Ms. Rhodes, the book author, and received mentorship from her.

“We are so grateful, not just for the funding from the Cobb Community Foundation, but also to Ms. Rhodes for creating a learning experience of a lifetime for these students. We can all continue to consider ways to enhance the way education is delivered, whether it be virtually or traditionally,” shared Felicia Wagner.


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